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A couple of new scams are making the rounds in NH and Maine

Lauren Faulkner is mostly off the hook for his alleged spraying of graffiti in Portsmouth.

Timothy Verrill Fosters Daily Democrat photo

Timothy Verrill is back in court on trial for the second time in the murders of two women in Dover.

There are some new wrinkles in the David Ortiz shooting in the Dominican republic.

  U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH), Chair of the Emerging Threats and Spending Oversight Subcommittee, led a bipartisan U.S. Senate hearing focused on how the U.S. government can continue pushing China and Mexico to stop fentanyl trafficking stemming from their countries, as well as how to strengthen international law enforcement cooperation. The hearing built on Senator Hassan’s bipartisan Congressional Delegation trips to Mexico and China

You can view the Senator’s opening remarks at the hearing below.

Listen below for more including The Interview with veteran realtor John Rice.

Now, it’s your turn to speak and be heard.   I’ll be asking your thoughts on serious issues by calling this number 617-466-9703* and waiting for the prompt. Have you ever been the victim of domestic abuse or harm either physically or emotionally from someone you have lived with. How  did you survive it and how do you think others can?  You don’t have to give your name on your recorded call. We may feature your comments on a  podcast.

Music: Cutting Edge by Shane Ivers –

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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The producer aims to gather and curate news of general interest 

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