News and interviews

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A New Hampshire woman and her unborn fetus were the victims of a murder in Ossipee.

One New Hampshire State Senator thinks that this may be the session when marijuana is legalized in the state.

A baby seal that got trapped between rocks in a jetty in New Hampshire was rescued and released. You can see a video courtesy of the Seacoast Science Center Below.

A police officer criticized in the wake of Maine’s worst shooting, is now running for Sheriff.

This week marks 34 years since 13 works were stolen from the Gardner Museum in Boston.

Listen below for more including The Interview with veteran realtor John Rice.

Now, it’s your turn to speak and be heard.   I’ll be asking your thoughts on serious issues by calling this number 617-466-9703* and waiting for the prompt. Have you ever been the victim of domestic abuse or harm either physically or emotionally from someone you have lived with. How  did you survive it and how do you think others can?  You don’t have to give your name on your recorded call. We may feature your comments on a  podcast.

Music: Cutting Edge by Shane Ivers –

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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The producer aims to gather and curate news of general interest 

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