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Two murders, and a parole hearing, all in New Hampshire.
Massachusetts, Maine and Vermont are among the 16 States across the country with voting in super Tuesday primaries.
New Hampshire Megabucks ticket was matched by ta winner in Milton Massachusetts
The City of Manchester is celebrating a police detective instrumental investigating human trafficking.
A State Commission investigating a mass shooting in Lewiston Maine has gotten an earful from survivors of the shooting.
Now, it’s your turn to speak and be heard. I’ll be asking your thoughts on serious issues by calling this number 617-466-9703* and waiting for the prompt. Have you ever been the victim of domestic abuse or harm either physically or emotionally from someone you have lived with. How did you survive it and how do you think others can? You don’t have to give your name on your recorded call. We may feature your comments on a podcast.
Call rate may apply*
Listen below for more including The Interview with Jim and John Splaine on the NH Presidential primary
Music: Cutting Edge by Shane Ivers –
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Music promoted by
The producer aims to gather and curate news of general interest
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