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 Sentencing for convicted murderer Adam Montgomery 34 will be in April. The Manchester man was found guilty by a jury of the second-degree murder of his five-year-old daughter harmony in 2019.

A former New Hampshire investment advisor was found to be double dipping at his clients expense

47 legislators in Maine are taking aim  at assault gun sellers in the state.

Following a recommendation from the Public School Infrastructure Commission, the Governor and Executive Council voted Wednesday to allocate a combined total of $9,861,447.31 to enhance access control, emergency alerting and surveillance at numerous schools.

Now, it’s your turn to speak and be heard.   I’ll be asking your thoughts on serious issues by calling this number 617-466-9703 and waiting for the prompt. Have you ever been the victim of domestic abuse or harm either physically or emotionally from someone you have lived with. How  did you survive it and how do you think others can?  You don’t have to give your name on your recorded call. We may feature your comments on a  podcast.

Listen to news briefing below

Listen below for more including The Interview with Joan O’Brien of the NH Animal Rights league

Music: Cutting Edge by Shane Ivers –

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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The producer aims to gather and curate news of general interest 

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